¡¡Viva el hidrógeno!!

Jeremy Rifkin explica en The Guardian porqué cree que estamos en el amanecer de una nueva economí­a propulsada por el hidrógeno, y que servirá para redistribuir el poder económico y polí­tico de todo el planeta.

«The hydrogen economy makes possible a vast redistribution of power. Today’s centralised, top-down flow of energy, controlled by global oil companies and utilities, becomes obsolete. In the new era, everybody could become the producer, as well as the consumer, of their own energy — so called “distributed generation”. When millions of end-users connect their fuel cells into local, regional, and national hydrogen energy webs, using the same design principles and smart technologies that madepossible the world wide web, they can begin to share energy, creating a new decentralised form of energy use.»

He encontrado una traducción castellana en El Paí­s; además Jeremy Rifkin acaba de publicar en la editorial Paidós el libro donde explica sus ideas al respecto, La economí­a del hidrógeno.